Interstellar privacy policy and terms of use

Section 1: Definitions

In this privacy policy, "We" refers to "Interstellar". "Personally-identifiable information" (PII) refers to information that can be used to identify a person such as IP addresses. "Official Interstellar deployments" refer to the Interstellar application running on the official server. "Interstellar deployment operator" refers to the person(s) running the Interstellar application. "ToS" refers to Terms of Service.

Please redirect any general inquiries to our official community on Discord. Redirect any questions regarding unofficial Interstellar deployments to its operator.

Section 2: Summary

Section 2.1: Summary - Offical Interstellar Deployment

Section 2.2: Summary - Unofficial Interstellar Deployments

Section 3: Acceptable Use

Section 4: Third Parties

Section 4.1: Google Analytics Usage

Section 4.2: Our community on Discord

Section 4.3: Our commmunity and repository at GitHub

Section 4.4: Supporting Interstellar using Patreon

Section 4.5: Supporting Interstellar using Cash App

Section 5: The information we collect

Section 5.1: The official Interstellar deployment

Section 5.2: Unofficial Interstellar Deployments

Section 6: Control

Section 7: How we use basic information on the official Interstellar deployment that may be collected accidentally

Section 8: Supporters ❤

Last Updated

April 25, 2024 - Made some clauses easier to read and understand.

April 12, 2024 - Privacy Policy & ToS created.